Friday, March 4, 2011

I dropped a passy in the potty

It's been almost a month since I posted. There hasn't been a lot to report.

This morning I was carrying the munchkin around and trying to get mom some sleep. I had to pee something fierce and the little one was crying, so I took him to the bathroom with me. No big deal, I do it from time to time and things are normally fine. This time, it wasn't. He was fussing a little, and he had his pacifier. Everything looked alright at first. It was on his chest and looked pretty stable, but it didn't last.

Before I had the munchkin, I would have, depending on the size of the object, gone to get a glove or just flushed the item away. Now that I've had my hand in bodily function fluid for the last 2 months, I just reached in and grabbed it. I didn't give it back to him and I washed up real good, so I'm not a terrible parent.

I couldn't find another passy he likes, so I just grabbed one out of this passy ziplock bag we have in his room and he liked it enough to treat it like all of the others. He sucked on it until he realized it wasn't food, fussed for a minute, and then gave up and fell asleep.