Sunday, February 6, 2011

Out and About

We haven't really ventured out into the world with the tiny human much for a few reasons, but today we did, and it was a great success. Then again, it turned this evening into a night to forget.

There are a few reasons why we've mostly stayed in the house for the last 6 weeks. First off, it's winter, and babies get cold. I was informed by a good friend that I should make sure to put a hat on the munchkin when I take him outside, but getting baby advice from certain people is a whole other post I need to write. Anyhow, we're in Texas, and it doesn't really get that cold here normally, but this year has seemed different. As most have heard, the Super Bowl is here this week, and it's been snowing and sleeting and doing all kinds of unnatural Texas things. I can't quite make a 6 week old go build a snowman, so he's been inside most of the time. Other reasons include the fact that the flu has been running amok around here, and the fact that people are generally strange around infants.

So today my sister and her husband, one of two sets of people we actually hang out with, came over so that we could all go to lunch and then go grocery shopping. We got all packed up, into the car, and out of the driveway when I realized I had a flat tire. My brother-in-law, who will hence forth just be referred to as my brother, helped me put the spare on, and we put the car back in the garage. We took the car seat out of my car, installed it into theirs (way easier than people make it out to be), and went to eat. We sat down at my favorite local barbecue place and ate, which took us about 45 minutes. The munchkin slept the entire time. It was completely unexpected. There were other kids and babies crying in the restaurant, but my little person fought through and slept the whole time.

The next place we went was to walmart, which I knew would be an adventure. Because the weather's been pretty crappy here lately, we weren't the only ones to stay at home most of last week, and the crap was finally melting off today, so the entire town had to go to walmart. They didn't have eggs, and my sister said it felt like black Friday in there. With all that going on, the munchkin slept the entire time.

This evening, my cousin and his wife, the other people we hang out with, brought their kids over and we all played Settlers of Catan after we ate. The munchkin cried a little bit while they were all here, but he stayed asleep for most of the evening.

And that's what brings me to this. The little dude has been asleep all day, so I didn't really expect him to sleep much tonight. And I can't really complain, because I would trade a long night on a Saturday for my kid to be able to go out into world and not be "those people with the fussy baby" any time.

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