Sunday, May 20, 2012

Take Two

So we abandoned this effort last year after Munchkin started sleeping through the night. Most of our posting occurred during the night-time feedings, and once we started sleeping again this little project fell by the wayside. I have to say that I regret it, but I always have lofty plans of creative expressions that never see fruition so this is just another in a long list of great ideas that didn't make it. That said, I'm hoping to give it a go again.

Let me update on the status of things, if M has anything to add, he can do so:
Munchkin is now a few days away from being 17 months old, and he is amazing! I know that I'm biased, but really, if you know him you think he's amazing too.
He is a running, climbing machine. He's even showing interest in jumping, though he hasn't really figured out how we do it.
He has a vocab of a couple of dozen words if you count things we interpret. Oh, and he has 3-4 short sentences, which I hear is important.
He eats - a lot. Anything really, especially if he gets to use utensils.
He's in a toddler bed. We just ended rocking him to sleep, so he's officially a big boy now.
We've been making strides toward potty training since about 13 or 14 months, but since he's still in MDO/day care, we're not there yet. This is one of our goals for the summer!
I have a checklist of things kids should do by specific ages. He's met all of them up to 24 months.
And he is full-fledged into the toddler-asserting-independence stage, though typically he avoids the tantrums and just sticks with "no," "mine," and 'I do it."
So, yeah, he's awesome. I told you so.

Anyway, I'm going to work on being more consistent with the posting. I think I need it, and there are big, important things looming on the horizon for our family, so there will be lots on my brain. For the time being, this is going to be a space for me to clear my head of ideas, update family and friends on our goings-on, and speak to my child. I'm not going to spend much time worrying about researching topics or structuring my thoughts; I'm going to go on a free-flow basis. I might try to come up with some recurring themes, but really, I'm going to start just by making the effort to write daily. We'll see how that goes and go from there.

Until next time (tomorrow?),

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